Variables are used to hold data. Whether it's a text, number or any other, you can assign a value to a variable and use it with commands and functions. Most commands and functions will output a value as the result of its operation into a variable of your choice, for example the OutputVar of the Random
command will be used to hold the randomly gererated number.
Random, Rand, 10, 50 ; The Rand variable will have a number between 10 and 50 after the command executes.
You can use this variable inside another command by enclosing it in percent signs.
Click, 300, %Rand% Left, 1 ; The Y coordinate will be a random number.
To use a variable inside a function parameter or expression, do not enclose it in percent signs.
MyVar := "AutoHotkey" HK := SubStr(MyVar, 6)
A detailed explanation about Variables can be found at the AHK documentation.
Pulover's Macro Creator is written in AutoHotkey language, and so it has internal variables in the same environment as user-defined variables. Therefore if you choose a variable name that's used internally by PMC you may run into inconsistencies and even crash the program.
PMC will warn you with a traytip if it notices you are using some of its reserved words, but it's impossible to monitor every single situation and variable to avoid such conflicts, so it's recommended to follow these guidelines when choosing a variable name:
Any single word enclosed in percent signs (e.g. %MyVar%
) inside a string will be converted to the variable's contents during playback. That means you can use variables in Text
or MsgBox
and other commands. For example you can copy a text and send it using ControlSend
or ControlSetText
directly from the clipboard.
Today is %A_DDDD% and it's %A_Hour%:%A_Min%. Clipboard's contents are: %Clipboard%
Download Example: Using Variables inside Command Parameters
Most commands and functions outputs variables with the result of its operation. You can also create and modify variables in the Variables window. Type a valid variable name, select one of the operators and input a value.
MyVar := "Some Text" Counter += 1 NewVar := MyVar " and some text."
Note: This is the correct syntax in AHK, but if you don't have the Expression option checked you can enter values without quotes and use percent signs for variables, e.g.: %MyVar% and some text, and it will be converted for preview and export.
Expressions are used to perform one or more operations upon a series of variables, literal strings, and/or literal numbers. With expressions you can execute math operations, functions, assignments and object calls.
In PMC you can execute expressions in the following ways:
ie := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application"), ie.Visible := true, ie.Navigate("") ; This would create an InternetExplorer COM object and navigate to ""
MyVar := 30 * 100 / 200 ; This would assign 15 to MyVar MyVar := Number + 100 ; This would assign the value from variable Number + 100 to MyVar
and one or more spaces.% StrLen("Some string") ; This would show 11 in a command parameter
In expressions variables must not be enclosed in percent signs (except to deference) and literal strings must be enclosed in quotes. A complete explanation can be found at AHK documentation.
Since version 5.0.0, AutoHotkey Expression format must be used for Function parameters and COM expressions.
PMC files from previous versions are automatically converted, however there might be errors in the converted syntax that will need to be fixed manually.
Some short variable names should be avoided in expressions as they are used internally and will not be correctly evaluated. The names are a, e, i, o, r, s, t, ac, eo, lf, lp, tt and numbered variations of them like a1, a2... tt1, tt2....
To switch a variable's value True <> False use an exclamation in from of the value. This option is only available with the "Expression" option checked.
MyVar := !MyVar
From AutoHotkey Help File:
Force an expression: An expression can be used in a parameter that does not directly support it (except an OutputVar or InputVar parameter such as those of StringLen) by preceding the expression with a percent sign and a space or tab. If a variable is enclosed in percent signs within an expression (e.g. %Var
*), whatever that variable contains is assumed to be the name or partial name of another variable (if there is no such variable, %Var% resolves to a blank string). This is most commonly used to reference pseudo-array elements such as the following example:
FileAppend, % MyArray%i%, My File.txt
Download Example: Accessing a Pseudo-Array inside Command Parameters
You can assign User Global Variables with pre-defined contents that will be always available in Playback and for exporting in Settings.
To compare variables click the If Statements button, you may select Evaluate Expression to test any valid expresssion or select Compare Variables in the dropdown list. In the edit box you can enter a valid syntax to create the If Statement for comparing such as:
MyVar = 5 Clipboard > %MyVar%
If the result is blank or 0 it's evaluated as false. Any other value, number or string, is evaluated as true.
In the Compare Variables option the Variable field must be a single variable word (not in percent signs) and the Value field you can enter any literal value and variables enclosed in percent signs.
The operators accepted are:
= == <> != > < >= <=
In the Evaluate Expression option you can enter any valid expression, including multiple statements.
MyVar > 10 && MyVar < 20
In expressions variables must not be enclosed in percent signs (except to deference) and literal strings must be enclosed in quotes. A complete explanation can be found at AHK documentation
An Else statement may be used inside the If block and you can create an Else If by checking the option at the bottom of the If Statements window. An Else If statement must be inside another If block and does not have an EndIf of its own. The pseudo-code below shows the basic If structure in PMC.
[If] [...] [Else If] [...] [Else] [...] [EndIf]
Download Example: Comparing Variables in Playback
Pulover's Macro Creator supports objects/arrays. To assign an array you can either go the Variables window, check "Expression" option and add comma separated values inside brackets:
MyArray := [10, 20, aVariable, "aString"]) ; Inside the Variables Assignment window
Or use the Array function in the Functions window. More information about objects can be found at the AHK Documentaion.
You can also assign Associative arrays in the Variables window. With the "Expression" option checked, enter keys and values in the following format:
{key1: "string value", key2: varValue}
To retrieve an array inside a command use the same method as Dynamic Variable Reference by preceding the parameter with a percent sign and the following syntaxes:
% MyArray[1] % MyArray[X] ; For arrays it's not necessary to enclose variables in percent signs. % MyArray[Var] ; The key/index can be a variable, number, string or expression. % MyArray["Type"] % MyArray.Name ; Dotted syntax is also supported, and you can mix both brackets and dots too.
You can access the number of items inside the array using the Length() method in the Variables Assignment window when the "Expression" option is checked:
MyArray := [10, 20, 30] ; Assign an array inside ArrayCount := MyArray.Length() ; Returns 3 ArrayCount := MyArray.Length() + 1 ; Returns 4
The Output Variable field in Variables and Functions window, and the Object Array field in Functions window also accept array elements:
MyArray[1] := "New value" Family.Father.Name := "John"
You can also get a reference to Length inside a Dynamic References:
% MyArray.Length() ; Inside any command.
A For-Loop can be used to retrieve the values one by one (an example is included in the link below).
Download Example: Assigning and retrieving Arrays
Built-in Variables can be used inside the program to reference dynamic information. A list of these Variables with their description can be found in the AutoHotkey documentation.
You can also insert Built-in Variables into command window fields by right-clicking on any empty area and selecting the Built-in Variables submenu where you'll find them divided in categories. Select one of them it will be inserted in the Carater-Insert position (already enclosed in percent signs).