Clicks a mouse button at the specified coordinates. It can also hold down a mouse button, turn the mouse wheel, or move the mouse.
Mouse (F2)
- Action
- Selects the Mouse action to execute.
- Coordinates
- Defines the coordinates of the window or screen where the action will be executed. This field accepts Variables, functions and expressions are not supported.
Note: Mouse Actions are affected by Mouse Coordinates Settings.
- Click
- Uses the Click. This usually works for most cases.
- Send
- Uses SendEvent. Use this in case the Click Command doesn't work.
- Random coordinates
- If checked coordinates of X and Y during playback will be a random value of more or less of the defined offset in pixels.
- Offset
- Set the offset for the random coordinates in pixels.
- Relative
- If not used with Control: Coordinates will be treated as an offset from mouse current position.
If used with Control: Unchecked: Click coordinates relative to the target window. Checked: Click coordinates relative to Control's position.
- Button
- Selects the Mouse Button to send and the event type.
Normal: Sends a normal click.
Hold: Clicks and holds the button.
Release: Releases the button.
- Click Count
- The number of times to click the mouse. This is not affected by Delay. This field accepts Variables.
Click, ControlClick, MouseClickDrag